I'm not one for super noisey music. I tend to avoid music that could easily make my ear drums bleed. Perhaps because I usually have a rather passive personality. I was never one to get into a whole lot of Sonic Youth, or Dinosaur Jr. I.e music highly liberated by a huge mish mash of sound. I can appreciate it from a distance, and there are a few SY songs I do truly enjoy.. and all of which are off of Daydream Nation. Which could be considered there most popular disc. It also took me forever to get into Animal Collective. I liked them from a distance for awhile too, I also used to have a shady opinion of them. Thinking that there crazy hijinks over the years was just a cry for artsy attention. But then Merriweather Post Pavillion arrived and I could easily jump on their band wagon. Merriweather is by far their most accessible album, but I also believe that they're finally escaping a sort of box that they were in for awhile. I wouldn't say they've succumbed to a wider audience for more record sales, but they've given into their more pop sensibilities which I always felt was just somewhere under the surface. It seemed to me they were always somewhat hesitant to go in that direction. Anyway, this brings me to the above video which I came across when my boyfriend posted it on his facebook. Normally this wouldn't be something I'd get into, it pretty much describes all of these bands put together but there is something about the lead singer that I can't shake. Not only is she stunningly beautiful, but she also rocks your socks off. Something like this hasn't struck me since the YYY's. And fuck this girl can play guitar!!

The YYY's also have a new album coming out in April. Like my talk about Animal Collective, they've also slid into the realm of more pop sensibilities since their debut. I think people are either going to love this album (which in my opinion they should) or dislike it. I think that the YYYs may get a lot of backlash from this album because it is incredibly different then anything else they've ever done. Yet I think it's a very interesting direction, and it will be very cool to see what happens when this is finally out in the open.
Same with this band, which can also be credited to Jessie's fb posting. I can honestly say that if more girls rocked out like this that I think the whole noise genre really could grow on me. In fact I think it already has....
Speaking of a rocking wardrobe...
I came across this lovely girl on weardrobe, who does a tutorial on how to make floral heels... which is such a ingenious idea if I do say so myself.

I'm going through a phase of florals and young Mariel Hemmingway.
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