This photo pretty much sums up my day today.I had a pretty quiet day off today and I was able to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having right now. Official spring weather if I do say so myself. It reminded me very much of these photos I saw on blog.to the other day. I found the flickr account linked from blog.to and the photos are pretty amazing. Every now and then I find some really great photos through blog.to though most of them are bird oriented..haha. Which is typical. Hopefully my blog is not just going to end up over run with pictures of birds...which so far seems to be a continuing theme. Oh well! I just seem to be in that kind of mood lately. Here are a couple blog.to bird pics that are my favorite:

I have had some time to myself as of late, as Jessie was off to his home town for a visit and then to a Bloc Party concert tonight with one of his coworkers. So I was able to get some spring cleaning done, as well as some mix tape making. So, to go a long with the running theme of my blog I compiled a bird mix simply titled "birdsong". I looked into birdsong after reading some of my weekend book of which I had previously blogged about. I found some great birdsong tracks online which then inspired me to create a themed mix to a long with it. I wanted to share it with the public, so I put the same compilation on to a favtape mix. So check it out here. If you've never experienced favtape before, it's amazing as you can pretty much find any song and stream it online. Making mixes of all kinds. Some times it can be fussy, luckily I had no trouble putting this together.
Here is the track listing:

1. The Beatles - Black Bird
2. Antony & The Johnsons - Bird Gehrl
3. Johnny Cash - Bird On A Wire
4. Neil Young - Birds
5. Wilco - Hummingbird
6. Tom Petty - Learning To Fly
7. Eels - I Like Birds
8. Broadcast - Man Is Not A Bird
9. The Knife - Bird
10. Patti Smith - Birdland
11. Jose Gonzalez - The Nest
12. Tallest Man On Earth - A Field Of Birds*
13. Paul McCartney & Wings - Bluebird
14. Buffalo Springfield - Flying On The Ground Is Wrong
15. Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth
16. Marissa Nadler - Expecting To Fly*
17. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
*These two weren't on my original mix, I instead had included Tallest Man On Earth's Where Do My Bluebirds Fly which is equally if not more so amazing then A Field Of Birds. I also used the original Neil Young version of Expecting To Fly, which is my favourite of all favourite Neil Young songs. I figured there was probably a bit too much NY on the list..and her cover is absolutely striking and is equally just as good as the original.
Also, check out this great little organization called Project Chirp. I came across it when Jessie & I were at the humane society in the midst of adopting our little Joni many months ago. Anyway, it seems like a pretty cool Toronto based charitable type project that created habitat in our local residential areas and parkland.
And on a side note...
I also can't thank Amy & Ron enough for a wonderful dinner and movie last night. It was delicious....quiche! mashed potatoes! chalet sauce! ice cream! Amazing! Despite the movie being pretty crap, watching episodes of The Office and getting to cuddle with Yma made up for it. Plus, it was a good time all around! Thanks again guys.
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