I'm kicking myself big time because I came across a amazing simple..black..vintage boater at Value Village a few days ago. I walked around with the hat in my cart for a good hour, trying to figure out if realistically I'd get wear out of it this spring. I'm not sure at all why I hesitated in buying it, there wasn't even a price tag involved... I had Value Village coupons, there really was no need for decision. It was a give in that the hat should have been mine. But at the last moment, and perhaps due to lack of spontaneity on my part I hesitated and threw the hat back on a shelf some where. Later to see some other vintage clad hussy pick it up, then place it back as well. I walked over to where she had been, looking for the hat one last time but it was gone. I didn't think she picked it up, maybe she did maybe she didn't. I thought then that it probably fell behind one of the clothing racks..thought nothing less and went on my way.

Once I got home, I started flipping through the latest issue of Lula Magazine. Immediately I began kicking myself, after pages and pages of fashion spreads depicting this most recent trend. Now, after a few days of mourning I've come to realize I don't regret it that much. Following trends strictly is for pussies. People who really don't know how to stick to their own game, and create their own style. Breaking rules and creating revelations. This Mary Poppins, 40's esque style is yet another way to emphasize how dominant vintage style is in play and how most designers can't come up with good ideas anymore. Maybe I want to feel this way because I was dumb enough to neglect that hat. Chances are I'd buy one again if I found another one kicking around VV.

Speaking of the lovely Lula, the latest issue also does a piece on a fantastic artist named Heather Benning who created a life size doll house in the middle of Saskatchewan. Which is amazing, and I would love to trek out there to take a look at it first hand. There really isn't too much information out there about her, but the article in Lula definitely gives much explanation about her serious art installation and deserves a reference. As it is pretty much one of the most amazing things I've seen in awhile.

With another great focus on interiors I also want to make note of the amazing Upside Dive and The Selby. Two sites I frequent on a regular basis. Upside Dive is a local Toronto based show room consisting of vintage and antiques. They sell some amazing goods. I was able to buy a wonderful desk from them a few months ago, as well as a great mohair lion tank top which is pictured above. If you're looking for some great statement pieces for your apartment, Upside Dive is the place to check out. It's reasonably affordable, everyone involved in the place is super cute and they just have a great idea going on. One I wish I had thought of a long long time ago!

On the other hand The Selby is a place for inspiration. You could spend hours and hours combing through this particular website. The archive is highly recommended to check out, as it is a gold mine of talented people who really know how to decorate their digs in ways I've never seen before. It also gives people who live in tiny spaces with little or no money hope that they can turn their space into a work of art. Here are some of my personal favs from the site:
Tracy & Michelle

Daniela Kamiliotis

Guy Blakeslee & Maximilla Lukacs

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